Landscapes of War
Walk Back into History in a New Way
One of the most unique and engaging areas of the Americans in Wartime Experience will be the multi-acre outdoor Landscapes of War exhibits. The six planned Landscapes of War will feature full-scale, active replicas of wartime scenes from the following conflicts: World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and current conflicts.Scroll down to view early artist renderings of what the landscapes of war may look like.
World War I

World War II

Plans for this Landscape call for a bombed out French village to represent the war in Europe and a thatched hut village from Okinawa (to represent the war in the Pacific). Exhibits will focus on remarkable stories of individuals' experiences, while also highlighting America's early devastating losses and later significant battles and victories. Visitors will learn about technological advances found in aircraft, ship, tanks, computing, radios, sonar, and the radar.
Other Conflicts